maandag 27 september 2010

First blog about the course 'Pedagogies for Flexible Learning supported by Technology'

Yeah! I'm writing my first blog as part of the course Pedagogies for Flexible Learning supported by Technology at the University of Twente. Interesting title, is what I immediately thought when I was choosing my electives. Interesting title, but what does it mean?

I will try to describe what I think. With my background as a primary teacher, I have several ideas about organizing education. In my opinion, technology can be very helpfull and supporting in education, if used in the right way. I hope this course will provide some theories and practical examples about using and implementing technologies. I also like to learn more about how pedagogies and possibilities change, or could/should change as an result of these technologies.

2 opmerkingen:

  1. Ik ga je volgen :)
    Maar ik ga geen Engels praten, want daarom ben ik niet gaan studeren :)

  2. Hi Joke,
    Thanks for making your weblog, I am looking forward to exchanging ideas with you!
