Traditional Learning
The first and most famous way of learning is traditional learning. If you think about traditional learning, you will think about the old-classroom setting with the teacher in front of the classroom and the learners sitting behind their desks sitting and listening. The teacher takes the leader-role and educate the same content to all the learners, doing this face to face in a classroom. The students mainly listening and there is not much space for differentiate, discussion or for example self-exploring of the content. The teachers provides the knowledge and the learners, if it is taught well, receive this knowledge. This pedagogical approach could be supported by an environment as Blackboard by providing the students the basic information about the course or lessons. For example the goals, the assignments, the grading, the structure, the time when and where the lessons take place. The teacher can also put information on Blackboard so the students can take a look and find (additional or background) information in line with the content of the course or the lesson. Blackboard can also be used to submit assignments and to give the students feedback or gradings after the submit an assignment.
Problem-based Learning
Another pedagocial approach is problem-based learning. The learners get a real-life-problem which is tailed to the learners level. The problem is the starting point and the learners need to solve the problem. To solve the problem the learners have to work together. They use their prior knowledge and through collaboration they obtain new knowledge. By sharing knowlege the learners construct new mental models and developing self-directed skills. In this approach the teachers takes the role as a coach to help the students solve the problem. This pedagogical appraoch could be supported by Blackboard in different ways. The students can collaborate on a discussion board or a form, or by email to share possible solution or knowledge they need to solve the problem. The teacher can provide feedback bij Blackboard if the learners put some questions on Blackboard or when they submit (parts of the) solution. The teacher can also put background information on Blackboard or give the learners an general written explanation how and where to find background information.
Inquiry Learning
Inquiry learning is defined as "an approach to learning that involves a process of exploring the natural or material world, and that leads to asking questions, making discoveries, and rigorously testing those discoveries in the search for new understanding".
The teacher starts with a question and the learners need to find the answer by finding resources and collaborate. Blackboard can also used for inquiry learning by letting leaners collaborate in a discussion board and share information.
Collaborative Learning
In collaborative learning, like the name says, learners need to collaborate and learn through active participation. The learners have to work together to complete an problem-solving task designed to promote learning. All the learners share the responsibility to complete the task. This could be supported by blackboard to provide the learners the discription of the task and to let the learners collaborate in a forum or discussion board, virtual classroom or chat where they can exchange their ideas.
Workplace Learning
In a pedagocal approach with workplace learning, the learners learn in a real workplace-environment. The students can make an assignment in the workplace, doing research or just observate and particpate in the workplace to learn. Blackboard can be used in this approach to communicate with the teacher about the experiences in the workplace. The student can submit assignment, receive feedback from the teacher and students can.
In conclusion, different pedagogical approaches can be used for teaching and no matter which one is used, blackboard can be supporting in this, maybe in one approach more than in another.
Thanks for your descriptions of the pedagogical approaches and the opportunities to support them with technology. Your conlcusion is kind of short.. Too bad! After your last sentence I hoped to read some more ideas or some kind of explanation!